Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dead Stock!:

You know you should step your clothing game up when your girlfriend is dressing better than you. Haha. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Thunder Cats Til the Death of Me:

Shout out to Jordan ( Curci ). Thundercats!

Curci Music:

Here's the link to a very good friend of mine's website called Curci Music , by Jordan Curci. Check it out it's really cool. He just got started with it not too long ago and is already making progress.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Favorite Shoes:

Nike's are the best brand of shoe you can get! I don't care what anybody says, Nike all the way. My reasoning for liking Nike so much is based off of their design's, variety, culture behind the shoe, color, and types/versions. If you notice, Nike has always come out with the next "hot" shoe. Nike never runs out of ideas for a new collection, while many other shoe companies such as Converse, Jordan's, Vans, etc. take a little more time. They also make an amazing gift, you can never go wrong with Nike. 

For all women that love to sport Nike also, this is for you:


This song right here ( Common- I Used to Love H.E.R ) has more meaning to it than it appears to have. Most people don't even know what this song is about, I didn't either the first time I listened to it. After watching this music video with my friend Jordan ( Curci ) he explained the meaning of the song to me and it totally threw me off. So I watched closer a second time and even more the third. Then it all made sense, I finally understood. Common is a lyrical genius ( I don't know how he thought of this ). I would tell you the meaning myself but, I want you to figure that out on your own. Pay very close attention to what he says during the song, it'll all start to piece together like a puzzle.

-Penniez aka AC

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


ODD FUTURE WOLF GANG KILL THEM ALL DON'T GIVE A F**K! Haha, what better way to start off your weekend than jamming out to some Odd Future music (Tyler, the Creator). Everybody should listen to Tyler, the Creator. It brings out that psychotic fun personality that lurks around underneath all that boringness. It can be a tad bit inappropriate for some, meaning a lot, but who cares, I don't.

Here's a couple more videos that I thought were funny as hell! :

The UK Taking the Game Over:

These are some hip-hop artist coming from the UK making a change in music history forever. Labrinth, Tinchy Stryder, and Tinie Tempah. Their music is so amazing, it's like a clash of hip-hop and techno music in a way (electro-hop). Not too many people know a lot about their music so this is kinda new for many even though they've been around for a little bit of time now. I could listen to these songs over and over if I wanted to, so I thought I would share this with all of you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Letter:

This song right here made me realize how much I love music. It reminded me that I need to escape this great depth of fear and just chase my dream. Hopefully I will catch up to my dream and make it reality. I'm willing to sacrifice a great amount of time and money to make this happen and each day that goes by I feel like I'm getting closer and nearing the completion of making this all happen. My love more music has grown enormously due to this song. Phil Ade.

- Penniez aka AC

Phil Ade:

All it took was this one song for me to be drawn towards this man's music. Phil Ade, that's true talent when you can do something like that.

Start a Monday off like it's the "Best Day Ever":

School can be a pain  (even life for that matter), with all the drama, stress of school work, or just stressing on how to manage time. Just to top everything else off, it's Monday. I like to wash my pain away by drowning myself into the sweet ocean of music. I like to start my Mondays off with a little Mac Miller. This song always takes my mind off the stressful things in life and I hope it does the same for you. The song is the bonus version of BDE (Best Day Ever) off of one of Mac's sort of recent mix-tape Best Day Ever. I hope you enjoy it.

BOO! (Good Wood)

Tell me why this so SICK! I'm not too sure why this Good Wood necklace caught my attention, or maybe it was the unique idea to make a boo Good Wood necklace, the mesmerizing detail engraved into the wood, or just the fact that it's different. I would buy this just to have it and probably would never wear it just to prevent it from being lost or stolen. Good Wood jewelry is an amazing creation and I'm more than positive that its not going be out of style anytime soon.

Check this out:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A twist on Jewlery:

Good Wood!

I've never been a fan of big fancy jewlery, for example, big diamond necklaces etc. But Good Wood jewlery is different. It's way more interesting too. Big diamonds and heavy "chains" are getting played out, and personally, it looks tacky. Plus, real jewlery of that catagorey is innconvinient in pricing. Not too many people can afford diamonds and gold. I prefer Good Wood. It can be a bit expensive, but doesn't really compare to diamonds, silver, and gold. Also, there are so many interesting desighns for both girls and guys, and with christmas coming up these could make an excellent gift for that special someone.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Formula (Penniez)

This is a song I created in dedication to clothing. Everybody has a specific style or appearance that defines them. This song pretty much explains to you what my style is in a different yet unique way. I'm me and nothing or anyone for that matter will be able to change me. You shouldn't change for anyone either. I believe everyone's one of a kind, that's what makes this world so interesting. Let me know what you think by leaving comments. Your piece of mind on this song means more than you think. Thanks!